Coalition to Combat

Wildlife Trafficking Worldwide

ASTA joined the U.S. Wildlife Trafficking Alliance to help travelers recognize and avoid purchasing the illegal wildlife products that are decimating global populations of elephants, rhinos, tortoises and other endangered species.

This public-private partnership works together with governmental entities to raise awareness about the dangers of wildlife trafficking and to stop consumer demand for endangered species products.

The resources below are available to members for use any or all of the ASTA branded images for their personal or business Facebook or twitter pages.   

Videos PSA's

  1. Jackie Chan Tools of the Trade USFWS
  2. Lupita Orphans
  3. NBA Cares No Hype
  4. USFW PSA Norton ASTA
  5. Walking Dead
  6. Fatherhood
  7. WildAid - Wild life Traffic In the US
  8. US Ivory Free

The following materials are from the Wildlife Trafficking Alliance,  for more resource and information visit


“A Guide for Travelers“
Tri-fold Brochure

“Caribbean Traveler’s Guide“
Tri-fold Brochure


Wallet Card

Wallet card


American Society of Travel Advisors

123 N Pitt St, Ste 400, Alexandria, VA 22314 U.S.A.

Contact Us