Our Advocacy Promotes

Consumer Awareness

When you watch a television news spot or see an article in a newspaper, magazine or website about the benefits of working with a travel advisor or featuring an ASTA member or spokesperson presenting travel tips or trends, it’s likely that ASTA’s public relations team was behind it.

ASTA’s public relations and marketing team is always looking for ways to actively demonstrate the benefits of working with a travel advisor to consumers. In addition to constant proactive outreach and responsiveness to the media, ASTA organizes a National Travel Advisor Day media blitz every year and creates initiatives such as the successful “Not All Heroes Wear Capes” campaign, that highlighted the extraordinary work that travel advisors did to help their clients through the roadblocks and snares of COVID-19 travel.

A Sampling of Our


Here’s a small sampling of the media outlets that ASTA’s public relations team has provided with information to educate travelers about all the advantages of using a travel advisor and to showcase their professionalism and expertise.

Featured News

From travel tips and trends to hands-on advice from ASTA members and media coverage of the industry, here are some of our favorite stories.

  • Why Your Clients Are Going To Love Virgin Voyages

    The cruise line is also offering exclusive deals for travel advisors through FirstMates.com.

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  • Celebrity Edge is a Luxurious European Vacation

    It's the best way to see Europe in the most luxurious way possible. 

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  • American Society of Travel Advisors Kick Off the 2023 Global River Cruise Expo in Budapest, Hungary

    The second annual gathering hosts over 750 travel advisors, travel suppliers and cruise professionals, featuring nine cruise ships from six river cruise lines.

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  • ASTA Requests American Airlines Delay Plan to Implement New Distribution Capability

    Society requests AA postpone full NDC implementation to the end of 2023

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  • Join us at ASTA Global Convention!

    Speakers include Lisa Lutoff-Perlo (Celebrity Cruises) and Sandra Mclemore. 

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  • ASTA's 2021-2022 Advocacy Accomplishments

    ASTA fights to protect the interests of its members and the broader travel agency community at all levels of government— federal, state and even local.

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  • Legislators hear from travel industry

    Over 225 travel advisors, from all 50 states, brought the voice of small businesses to Capitol Hill to meet with members of Congress and their staff.

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  • Travel Advisor Priorities for FAA Reauthorization Sent to Capitol Hill

    For the first time since 2018, Congress will reevaluate federal aviation policy this year through the FAA reauthorization process.

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  • ASTA Continues Support for Ukraine through Partnership with Global Empowerment Movement

    Donations can be made at any time through the Global Empowerment Movement and will be solicited at ASTA's River Cruise Expo.

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To ensure that the colossal efforts of travel advisors during the pandemic did not go unsung,  the “Not All Heroes Wear Capes”/#TravelHero public relations/marketing campaign promoted actual stories of advisors’ heroic rescues via a social media campaign and outreach to the press. The videos below are only few of many campaigns to keep travel advisors in front of the traveling public. 

Travel Advisors are HEROS

Telling your story everyday

You should be using a travel advisor

Vacations make the best memories

Our Supportive

Proud Partners

We are grateful to our most supportive partners, ASTA Proud Partners. Recognizing how important travel advisors are to their success, these companies invest their time and resources to support ASTA’s mission and ensure a healthy and robust travel agency distribution channel.

American Society of Travel Advisors

123 N Pitt St, Ste 400, Alexandria, VA 22314 U.S.A.

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