Exception occured while executing the controller. Check error logs for details.

Our Bylaws lay out our goals, roles and organization. An elected National Board of Directors is responsible for our policies, led by National Officers elected by the Board from among its members. ASTA's CEO, as an ex-officio, is a non-voting member. 

ASTA is also organized geographically into chapters to facilitate involvement at a local as well as a national level. There are more than 50 chapters organized into six regions across the U.S. and additional chapters around the world.

Chapters enable you to maximize the value of your membership, connecting with peers and sharing knowledge and opportunities and becoming involved in local committee initiatives and leadership roles, including chapter president.

Leadership and Governance

ASTA's policies are established by a National Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors has 16 members as follows: 9 Directors At-Large; 3 Directors selected by the Chapter Presidents' Council; the chair of the International Chapter Presidents' Council; 1 NACTA Member Director and 2 Directors selected by the ASTA Corporate agency Committee and ratified by the Board. The Chief Executive Officer is a Director ex officio.

The Board of Directors has an Executive Committee, elected by all Board members from the 9 Directors At-large, consisting of the following corporate officers (also called National Officers): President & Chairman; Vice President/Secretary; Treasurer; and Chief Executive Officer as an ex officio, non-voting member.

In addition, the Board annually elects to the Executive Committee a CAC member from among the CAC-member Directors. The CAC- member of the Executive Committee has a vote in all Executive Committee actions.

Volunteer participation in the various committees, councils and boards support the Society's many programs, policies and research.



Travelers depend on travel agencies and others affiliated with ASTA to guide them honestly and competently.  Therefore, all ASTA members pledge to conduct their business activities in a manner that promotes the ideal of integrity in travel and, as an express condition of membership in the association, to act in accordance with all applicable provisions of the ASTA Code of Ethics, as follows:

1.   Accuracy.  ASTA members will be factual and accurate when providing information about their services and the services of any firm they represent.  They will not use deceptive practices.  

2.   Disclosure.  ASTA members will provide in writing, upon written request, complete details about the cost, restrictions, and other terms and conditions, of any travel service sold, including cancellation and service fee policies.  Full details of the time, place, duration, and nature of any sales or promotional presentation the consumer will be required to attend in connection with his/her travel arrangements shall be disclosed in writing before any payment is accepted.

3.   Responsiveness.  ASTA members will promptly respond substantively to their clients' complaints. 

4.   Refunds.  ASTA members will remit any undisputed funds under their control within the specified time limit.  Reasons for any unavoidable delay in providing funds will be given to the claimant promptly.  Any cancellation penalties or similar fees to be withheld from a refund shall be reasonable in light of all relevant circumstances.

5.   Cooperation.  ASTA members will cooperate with any inquiry conducted by ASTA to resolve any dispute involving consumers.

6.   Confidentiality.  ASTA members will treat every client transaction confidentially and not disclose any information without permission of the client, unless required by law.

7.  Affiliation.  ASTA members will not falsely represent a person's affiliation with their firm.

8.  Conflict of Interest.  ASTA members will not allow any preferred relationship with a supplier to interfere with the interests of their clients.

9.  Compliance.  Individual ASTA members and the official representatives of corporate members shall not have been convicted of a violation of any federal, state and local laws and regulations affecting consumers.  Pleas of nolo contendere, consent judgments, judicial or administrative decrees, or orders, and assurances of voluntary compliance and similar agreements with federal or state authorities shall be deemed convictions for purposes of these provisions.

10. Notice.  ASTA members operating tours will promptly advise the advisor or client who reserved the space of any change in itinerary, services, features or price.

11. Delivery.  ASTA members operating tours will provide all components as stated in their brochure or written confirmation, or provide alternate services of equal or greater value, or provide appropriate compensation.

12. Credentials.  An ASTA member shall not, in exchange for money or otherwise, provide travel advisor credentials to any person as to whom there is no reasonable expectation that the person will engage in a bona fide effort to sell or manage the sale of travel services to the general public on behalf of the member through the period of validity of such credentials.  This principle applies to the ASTA member and all affiliated or commonly controlled enterprises.

Complaints arising under this Code should be filed in writing with the ASTA Consumer Affairs Department. Failure to adhere to this Code may subject a member to disciplinary action, as set forth in ASTA's Bylaws.


ASTA Bylaws



What separates an ASTA travel advisor from the pack is a set of core beliefs, a credoThis credo complements our mission statement and the code of ethics all ASTA members follow. This statement of beliefs encompasses who we are and the principles that guide our profession and our organization.



Elections are held annually staggering the positions up for election. Officers are elected by the voting members and serve a maximum of two terms of two years each. Election FAQs are at the bottom of this page.



ASTA commits to create, nurture, and sustain an organizational culture which embraces diversity and inclusion to meet the needs of ASTA employees and members. To build upon this commitment we will:

  • Communicate openly and constructively to build trust and conduct business to the highest ethical standards
  • Identify and implement practices that foster an open-minded, respectful, and diverse culture within our organization
  • Support programming with diverse suppliers to provide new opportunities for ASTA members
  • Provide education and resources on diversity and inclusion to the travel industry

ASTA Related Actions

At times the Society needs to take action against companies that are using the ASTA logo without permission; address a member's violations of the ASTA Code of Ethics; or assist a consumer with an issue related to an ASTA member. Learn about companies under disciplinary action below. Questions regarding ASTA’s dispute resolution procedures or the membership status of any agency appearing on these lists may be directed to ASTA’s Consumer Affairs Department at consumeraffairs@asta.org.  

Disciplinary Actions

More Details

Logo Violators

See List

Consumer Complaints

Next Steps
Frequently asked questions

ASTA Elections

To be eligible to vote, members must be in a membership category with voting privileges and be in good standing with ASTA. Members with voting rights include:

The official representatives of U.S. Travel Agency (“Core”) members, and Independent Advisor ("INDR"), who will elect the Directors-at-Large.

The official representatives and appointed voting managers of Premium Member agencies (including Premium Host Agency and Premium Consortium Members), who will also elect the Directors-at-Large.

In addition, Chapter Presidents whose chapter is located in a region with an open Regional Director seat will elect their Regional Director. Ballots for Regional Directors will be sent to Chapter Presidents by region. Ballots must be completed by the date given in the election announcements. 


Elections are held prior to ASTA Global Convention each year. Ballots will be sent to voting members on March 24, 2023. The elections calendar was updated on March 9th, 2023. Click here to see the updated calendar.

If you did not receive your personal ballot via email, please check your Spam folder first and then contact ASTA at elections@asta.org for further assistance. Please allow one business day for an ASTA representative to respond to your inquiry.

Please note that if your ASTA membership is not active and in good standing by March 20, 2023, you will not be eligible to vote in this year’s elections and will not receive a ballot.

Members with AOL email accounts and general emails (info@, sales@) may have difficulty receiving the ballots. Please contact elections@asta.org to update your email address so you can participate in the voting process.

The results of the election will be announced on April 6, 2023.

Please email elections@asta.org if you have any questions regarding the election process. Please allow one business day for an ASTA representative to respond to your inquiry.

More information is available to ASTA members only.

If you are a member, please login using the button in the upper right hand corner. Then use this link to access more information. 

Meet The Candidates

Senior Staff

  • Zane Kerby, MBA
    President, CEO
  • Eben Peck
    Executive Vice President, Advocacy
  • Peter Lobasso
    Senior Vice President, General Counsel
  • Mark Meader
    Senior Vice President, Industry Affairs and Education
  • Elizabeth Henry
    Vice President, Finance
  • Jessica Klement
    Vice President, Advocacy
  • Sarah Little
    Vice President, Business Development
  • Megan Webster
    Senior Director, Marketing
  • Dave Bowman
    Vice President, Membership
  • Erika Richter
    Vice President, Communications


  • Alvin Adriano
    Director, Industry Affairs
  • Pam Bonin
    Director, Strategic Member Partnerships
  • Andrea Caulfield
    Director, Membership
  • Summer Corbitt
    Director, Business Development
  • Michelle Mueller
    Director, Creative Services
  • Jasmine Causey
    Director, Chapter Relations
  • Greg Davis
    Director, Finance/Accounting
  • Rob Fleming, CiA
    Director, Information Technology
  • Michael Schottey
    Director, Communications
  • Hayley Anhalt
  • Tonya Richardson
    Staff Accountant, Finance
  • Lou Altobelli
    Manager, Advocacy
  • Netra Venson-Magruder
    Manager, Human Resources
  • Mackenzie Drehoff
    Manager, Events
  • Jason Boeckman
    Manager, Marketing
  • Lewis Nobles
    Coordinator, Business Development
  • Erin Hulscher
    Coordinator, Business Development
  • Emma Curran
    Coordinator, Events
  • Alannah Royall
    Coordinator, Membership
  • Meagan Norton
    Coordinator, Communications
  • Gwendolyn Lane
    Coordinator, Chapter Relations
Our Supportive

Proud Partners

We are grateful to our most supportive partners, ASTA Proud Partners. Recognizing how important travel advisors are to their success, these companies invest their time and resources to support ASTA’s mission and ensure a healthy and robust travel agency distribution channel.

American Society of Travel Advisors

123 N Pitt St, Ste 400, Alexandria, VA 22314 U.S.A.

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